Check out our recent Q&A with The Showtimes Junior Livestock Magazine to learn more about ShowFresH2O and why it was developed.
The Showtimes Junior Livestock Magazine August 2019, pages 54-55.

1. What is ShowFresH20 and what was the inspiration behind the product?
ShowFresH20 is a water treatment product designed for livestock and horses. Very frequently when animals are taken from the farm to the show they are exposed to chlorinated city water. They often do not want to drink the water and can become dehydrated and go off feed. It was so frustrating to see young kids put their heart and souls into their projects only to have problems at the last minute. We set out to develop a product that could help solve the problem by getting rid of the root cause, chlorine. ShowFresH20 eliminates the chlorine from show water by converting it to safe form that is free from bad taste and odor.

2. Who created ShowFresH20 and what is their background?
ShowFresH2O was developed by Swamp Fox Innovations. The lead scientist grew up showing cattle and experienced the chlorinated water problem first hand. He later obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry and developed a product concept that he believed could provide an industry-leading solution. By partnering with veterinarians and FDA experts a patent-pending product was invented that could safely eliminate chlorine from drinking water.

3. How can this product change the livestock industry?
There is quite a bit of research indicating that chlorinated water can be harmful to livestock. It can affect nearly every animal at every show. It can discourage animals from drinking the show water in the first place. Then, even if they finally do drink, the chlorine can kill the good bacteria in their digestive system. This can add stress to the animal and potentially lead to illness, especially if they are not used to chlorinated water. Ruminant animals, like cattle, seem to be particularly vulnerable since they rely heavily on microbial fermentation in their gut.

Our goal was to develop a product that helps keep show livestock hydrated and healthy at the show, from beginning to end. There’s enough to worry about at the show and chlorine should not be one of them. Use ShowFresH20 to start the show off on the right hoof!
We are committed to finding solutions to everyday problems that plague the livestock community. We are looking forward to hearing more success stories from this year’s show season. You can find the product at Sullivan Supply and Amazon. Good luck to all the participants and remember … Have Fun!