How to Apply Advanced Arena in Backyard Barns
Advanced Arena is a great option for reducing dust in backyard barns. Check out our how-to video for handling and applying 5-gallon buckets using common hand sprayers.
Hydration and Water Intake in Horses and Livestock Guest Author – Stephanie S. Caston, DVM, DACVS – LA
Water is essential for horses and livestock. It is needed for almost every function of the body. Not only is the body composed mostly of water, but one of the primary components of blood is water. Thus, water and water intake are important for circulation and correct...
Q&A with The Showtimes
Check out our recent Q&A with The Showtimes Junior Livestock Magazine to learn more about ShowFresH2O and why it was developed. The Showtimes Junior Livestock Magazine August 2019, pages 54-55. 1. What is ShowFresH20 and what was the inspiration behind the...
Arena Dust – More Than Just Annoying | Guest Author – Stephanie S. Caston, DVM, DACVS – LA
Indoor riding arenas are a great way to work your horse when the weather or footing outside is unsuitable. In addition to regular training, many barns use their arenas for lessons and shows. On top of a base of rock, lime, or other materials, the footing in most...
ShowFresH2O in Action
ShowFresH2O was used at the 2019 Clover Classic in North Carolina. Phillip and Dena Cave, seasoned cattle farmers, had a first-year heifer that decided the water at her first show was not as nice as the water at home. The heifer left the farm at 5:30 am that...
Swamp Fox Innovations, LLC
2901 S. Loop Drive, Suite 3500
Building 3
Ames, IA 50010
Phone: (515) 296-3507
50% of profits from Show FresH2O’s “Drinking Problem Solved” merchandise support substance abuse centers and charities. By purchasing, you promote animal hydration and help individuals on their recovery journey, making a meaningful impact on lives affected by addiction.